This chapter describes Multilink PPP (MLP) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
MLP.001 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.001 MP Rcv bytes byt num= seqno,M= M,BE= BE_bits lng?= long nt network
Long Syntax: MLP.001 MP Rcv bytes byt num= seqno,M= M,BE= BE_bits lng?= long nt network
Description: Received an MP packet - this message reports the size (in bytes), the MP sequence number which is found in the MP header, the M value which is the minimum of the last sequence number received for each link in the MP bundle, the BE bits (0=neither, 1=End fragment, 2=Begin fragment, 3=Both Begin and End (full packet)), whether long sequence numbers are being received (1=Yes), and the net and interface that the packet was received on.
MLP.002 |
Short Syntax: MLP.002 net net DISCARD (sequence less than expected) nrcv= nrcv,num= seq
Long Syntax: MLP.002 net net DISCARD (sequence less than expected) nrcv= nrcv,num= seq
Description: Discarding MP packet because the sequence number is less than that which is expected (less than nrcv or M). This may indicate that this packet was already "declared" lost.
MLP.003 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.003 BAP Snd REQ= type (0=Cll,1=Cllbk,2=Drp)
Long Syntax: MLP.003 BAP Snd REQ= type (0=Cll,1=Cllbk,2=Drp)
Description: Sending BAP request
MLP.004 |
Short Syntax: MLP.004 net net DISC seq= seq,nrecv= nrecv due to rcv buff shortage
Long Syntax: MLP.004 net net DISC seq= seq,nrecv= nrecv due to rcv buff shortage
Description: Discarding MP packet due to a link receive buffer shortage.
Action: If this occurs frequently, consider increasing link receive buffers.
MLP.005 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.005 BAP Send CALL-STATUS= status (0=SUCC,255=FAIL)
Long Syntax: MLP.005 BAP Send CALL-STATUS= status (0=SUCC,255=FAIL)
Description: Sending a BAP Call status indication to indicate whether the link successfully joined the MP bundle (this includes LCP negotiation)
MLP.006 |
Short Syntax: MLP.006 BAP: Inbound Req or Status Ind was not Acked
Long Syntax: MLP.006 BAP: Inbound Req or Status Ind was not Acked
Description: For some reason BAP chose not to ACK an incoming request from the peer. This could happen if there are not enough resources or we are not agreeing with our peers decision to add or drop bandwidth
MLP.007 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.007 BAP Rcv Req= theirReq (0=Cll,1=Cllbk,2=Drp) ->COLLISION favp= favpeer
Long Syntax: MLP.007 BAP Rcv Req= theirReq (0=Cll,1=Cllbk,2=Drp) ->COLLISION favp= favpeer
Description: Recieved an inbound BAP request from our peer but have already sent another request in the meantime. This is a normal collision and will be resolved by the BACP favored peer.
MLP.008 |
Short Syntax: MLP.008 BAP bd state-inbnd= theirReq(0=Cll,1=Cbk,2=Drp,3=CR,4=CBR,5=DR,6=S,7=SR)
Long Syntax: MLP.008 BAP bd state-inbnd= theirReq(0=Cll,1=Cbk,2=Drp,3=CR,4=CBR,5=DR,6=S,7=SR)
Description: Bad BAP state for inbound BAP packet
MLP.009 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.009 BAP RCV RSP= RespType(0=Cl,1=Cbk,2=Drp,3=St) Response(0=AK,1=NK,2=RJ,3=FLN)
Long Syntax: MLP.009 BAP RCV RSP= RespType(0=Cl,1=Cbk,2=Drp,3=St) Response(0=AK,1=NK,2=RJ,3=FLN)
Description: Received an inbound BAP Response packet with a corresponding response code (ACK means go ahead with request, NAK means I understand and support your request but I don't want you to perform it now - try again later, REJECT means I do not understand/support your request, FULLNAK means I understand and support your request but I am limited by a resource condition of some kind (this could be the Maximum number of links configurable parameter) - do not send this request again until the total bandwidth of the MP bundle changes..
MLP.010 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.010 BOD Aprc= Add,ASpd= AddS,Dprc= Drop,DSpd= DropS,oSpd= out,iSpd= in
Long Syntax: MLP.010 BOD Aprc= Add,ASpd= AddS,Dprc= Drop,DSpd= DropS,oSpd= out,iSpd= in
Description: Checking bandwidth to determine if we need to add or drop a link. Total bandwidth, Add percentage, calculated add speed, drop percentage, calculated drop speed, outbound speed, and inbound speed are displayed. In order to drop both iSpd and oSpd have to drop below DSpd. In order to add either iSpd or oSpd must go above ASpd.
MLP.011 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.011 BAP BOD Drp lnk net= net,rem LD= remLD,loc LD= locLD
Long Syntax: MLP.011 BAP BOD Drp lnk net= net,rem LD= remLD,loc LD= locLD
Description: BAP is causing a link to be dropped - displays remote and local link discriminator.
MLP.012 |
Short Syntax: MLP.012 BAP BOD - Avail nettype (0=Drp,1=Out,2=In) nt not found
Long Syntax: MLP.012 BAP BOD - Avail nettype (0=Drp,1=Out,2=In) net not found
Description: Normal error when there are not enough resources or a dial-circuit has not yet reset itself from a previous action.
MLP.013 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.013 BAP BOD Adding Net= net with type (0=Cll,1=Cllbk)
Long Syntax: MLP.013 BAP BOD Adding Net= net with type (0=Cll,1=Cllbk)
Description: BAP is adding a link
MLP.014 |
Short Syntax: MLP.014 BAP BOD Can NOT check BOD requirements NOW!
Long Syntax: MLP.014 BAP BOD Can NOT check BOD requirements NOW!
Description: Normal error when some BAP process is occuring and the Bandwidth timer pops - bandwidth will not be checked in this interval.
MLP.015 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.015 BAP Peer wants to Drop our LD= LD
Long Syntax: MLP.015 BAP Peer wants to Drop our LD= LD
Description: Inbound BAP drop request from peer wanting to drop our link with the displayed link discriminator.
MLP.016 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.016 BAP Rcv theirReq (Cll:1,2;CllBck:3,4;Drp:5,6;St:7,8->Req,Rsp)
Long Syntax: MLP.016 BAP Rcv theirReq (Cll:1,2;CllBck:3,4;Drp:5,6;St:7,8->Req,Rsp)
Description: received inbound BAP request
MLP.017 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.017 BAP - Our Available Phone number is phoneNum
Long Syntax: MLP.017 BAP - Our Available Phone number is phoneNum
Description: Found an available phone number to pass to our peer
MLP.018 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.018 BAP cll nt= net,olen= len,ud= ud,sntd= sent,offst= offset,Ph= phone
Long Syntax: MLP.018 BAP cll nt= net,olen= len,ud= ud,sntd= sent,offst= offset,Ph= phone
Description: BAP placing the call. Fields are displayed for which phone number will be used: original length of the phone number, number of unique digits, number of digits that were sent from the peer, the offset into the phone number to start copying, and the phone number.
MLP.019 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.019 MP Nt net removed from the bundle
Long Syntax: MLP.019 MP Nt net removed from the bundle
Description: MP remove link from bundle
MLP.020 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.020 MP add Nt net to the type (0=old,1=new) bundle
Long Syntax: MLP.020 MP add Nt net to the type (0=old,1=new) bundle
Description: MP add link to bundle
MLP.021 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.021 MP Nt oldnet XMT shrt?= short ( bytes byt) num= seqnum on nt net
Long Syntax: MLP.021 MP Nt oldnet XMT shrt?= short ( bytes byt) num= seqnum on nt net
Description: MP XMIT a packet. Display the MP device, whether we are sending short sequence numbers (1=yes), the number of bytes, and the transport net.
MLP.022 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.022 BAP OPT: LNK TYPE: spd= speed, typ= type (1=ISDN,4=ANALOG)
Long Syntax: MLP.022 BAP OPT: LNK TYPE: spd= speed, typ= type (1=ISDN,4=ANALOG)
Description: BAP option
MLP.023 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.023 BAP OPT: PHONE:dig:unique= ud,snt= ds;num= delta,sub= subaddr
Long Syntax: MLP.023 BAP OPT: PHONE:dig:unique= ud,snt= ds;num= delta,sub= subaddr
Description: BAP option
MLP.024 |
Level: C-INFO
Description: BAP option
MLP.025 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.025 BAP OPT: REASON: reason
Long Syntax: MLP.025 BAP OPT: REASON: reason
Description: BAP option
MLP.026 |
Level: C-INFO
Description: BAP option
MLP.027 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.027 BAP OPT:STAT: status(0=SCC,17=BSY,255=FL)act= action(0=NO,1=RTRY)
Long Syntax: MLP.027 BAP OPT:STAT: status(0=SCC,17=BSY,255=FL)act= action(0=NO,1=RTRY)
Description: BAP option
MLP.028 |
Description: BAP non-option
MLP.029 |
Short Syntax: MLP.029 BAP error (inbound packet): no buffer
Long Syntax: MLP.029 BAP error (inbound packet): no buffer
Description: BAP tried to generate a packet to send a response and couldn't allocate a buffer. This could be a serious low memory problem.
MLP.030 |
Short Syntax: MLP.030 BAP error (inbound packet): length mismatch
Long Syntax: MLP.030 BAP error (inbound packet): length mismatch
Description: BAP error
MLP.031 |
Short Syntax: MLP.031 BAP error (inbound packet): bap_check failed
Long Syntax: MLP.031 BAP error (inbound packet): bap_check failed
Description: bap_check reported an error while processing an inbound BAP packet option.
MLP.032 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.032 Sending BAP RESPONSE= resp (0=Ack)
Long Syntax: MLP.032 Sending BAP RESPONSE= resp (0=Ack)
Description: BAP response to an inbound request or status indication. (0=ACK, 1=NAK, 2=REJ, 3=FULLNAK).
MLP.033 |
Short Syntax: MLP.033 BAP error (inbound packet): id mismatch
Long Syntax: MLP.033 BAP error (inbound packet): id mismatch
Description: inbound ID for a response or status indication does not match the one used for the initial request
MLP.034 |
Short Syntax: MLP.034 BAP error: unique digits > digits sent
Long Syntax: MLP.034 BAP error: unique digits > digits sent
Description: cannot form a phone number to dial - unique digits is greater than the number of digits that were sent.
MLP.035 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.035 mk favorite peer magic number magic
Long Syntax: MLP.035 making favorite peer magic number with value magic
Description: bacp_option built favpeer.
MLP.036 |
Short Syntax: MLP.036 mk bacp unk option
Long Syntax: MLP.036 making unknown bacp option option
Description: bacp_option built an unrecognized option.
MLP.037 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.037 state, routine_name, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.037 state = state,, called routine_name,, on nt network ID
Description: Called the specified cp routine.
MLP.038 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.038 ck favorite peer mag 0x magic_number
Long Syntax: MLP.038 checking favorite peer magic number with value 0x magic_number
Description: bacp_check processed magic number.
MLP.039 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.039 ck bacp unk option
Long Syntax: MLP.039 checking unknown bacp option option
Description: bacp_check processed an unrecognized option.
MLP.040 |
Short Syntax: MLP.040 Bd bacp req hdr lngth, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.040 Bad BACP request header length, on network network ID
Description: bacp_req got request with bad header length.
MLP.041 |
Short Syntax: MLP.041 Bd bacp req opt bacp_option, shrt, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.041 Bd BACP req opt bacp_option,, data too short, on net network ID
Description: bacp_req got request containing option with insufficient data.
MLP.042 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.042 bacp req rslt: bacp_rslt,, opt bacp_option,, ln opt_len,, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.042 bacp req rslt: bacp_rslt,, opt bacp_option,, ln opt_len,, nt network ID
Description: Result, so far, of processing one option.
MLP.043 |
Short Syntax: MLP.043 lpbk nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.043 Excessive bacp magic number collisions on nt network ID
Description: Excessive magic number collisions while trying to configure link
MLP.044 |
Short Syntax: MLP.044 Bd bacp ack id, exp exp_id, gt got_id,, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.044 Bad bacp ack id, exp exp_id, got got_id,, on nt network ID
Description: bacp_ack got config ack with bad id.
MLP.045 |
Short Syntax: MLP.045 Bd bacp ack lngth, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.045 Bad bacp ack length, on network network ID
Description: bacp_ack got config ack with bad length.
MLP.046 |
Short Syntax: MLP.046 msmtchd bacp ack, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.046 mis-matched data in bacp ack, on network network ID
Description: bacp_ack got ack whose data doesn't match our request.
MLP.047 |
Short Syntax: MLP.047 Bd bacp nak id, exp exp_id, gt got_id,, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.047 Bad BACP nak id, expected exp_id,, got got_id,, on network network ID
Description: bacp_nak got nak with bad id.
MLP.048 |
Short Syntax: MLP.048 Bd bacp nak lngth, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.048 Bad BACP nak length, on network network ID
Description: bacp_nak got nak with bad length.
MLP.049 |
Short Syntax: MLP.049 Bd bacp nak opt bacp_option,, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.049 Bad BACP nak option = bacp_option,, on network network ID
Description: bacp_nak got nak containing out-of-range option.
MLP.050 |
Short Syntax: MLP.050 out-ordr bacp nak opt bacp_option,, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.050 Bad BACP nak option = bacp_option,, on network network ID
Description: bacp_nak got nak containing out-of-order option.
MLP.051 |
Short Syntax: MLP.051 Bd bacp nak opt bacp_option, shrt, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.051 Bad BACP nak option = bacp_option,, data too short, on network network ID
Description: bacp_nak got nak containing option with insufficient data.
MLP.052 |
Short Syntax: MLP.052 Bd bacp rej id, exp exp_id, gt got_id,, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.052 Bad bacp rej id, expected exp_id,, got got_id,, on network network ID
Description: bacp_ack got config ack with bad id.
MLP.053 |
Short Syntax: MLP.053 Bd bacp rej lngth, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.053 Bad BACP reject length, on network network ID
Description: bacp_rej got reject with bad length.
MLP.054 |
Short Syntax: MLP.054 Bd bacp rej opt bacp_option,, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.054 Bad BACP reject option = bacp_option,, on network network ID
Description: bacp_rej got reject containing out-of-range option.
MLP.055 |
Short Syntax: MLP.055 out-ordr bacp rej opt bacp_option,, nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.055 Bad BACP reject option = bacp_option,, on network network ID
Description: bacp_rej got reject containing out-of-order option.
MLP.056 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.056 MP bundle removed (Nt net)
Long Syntax: MLP.056 MP bundle removed (Nt net)
Description: MP unbundle - all remaining links (if there are any) will be brought down.
MLP.057 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.057 MP Nt oldnet SLW XMT shrt?= short frg frag ( bytes byt) on nt net
Long Syntax: MLP.057 MP Nt oldnet SLW XMT shrt?= short frg frag ( bytes byt) on nt net
Description: MP Slow XMIT. This is used for the BRS n_get transmit path. The parameters are the same as in MLP_21
MLP.058 |
Short Syntax: MLP.058 Bad Dial nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.058 Bad Dialout MP link for nt network ID
Description: The Dialout MP link configured is not present or not a Dialout MP only link.
Cause: Configuration error.
Action: Configure dial circuit as a Dialout MP only link.
MLP.059 |
Short Syntax: MLP.059 ERROR: Fixed link link with wrong MP nt MPnet - dropping link
Long Syntax: MLP.059 ERROR: Fixed link link with wrong MP nt MPnet - dropping link
Description: link is MP ONLY and found ia bundle which was not the configured bundle
Cause: Configuration error.
MLP.060 |
Short Syntax: MLP.060 ERROR: MaxLinks exceeded MP nt MPnet - dropping nt link
Long Syntax: MLP.060 ERROR: MaxLinks exceeded MP nt MPnet - dropping nt link
Description: Max number of links for this bundle was exceeded
Cause: Configuration error.
MLP.061 |
Short Syntax: MLP.061 ERROR: LCP or Auth on nt link mismatch w/ MP nt MPnet - dropping lnk
Long Syntax: MLP.061 ERROR: LCP or Auth on nt link mismatch w/ MP nt MPnet - dropping lnk
Description: LCP or Authentication negotiations do not match for this link
Cause: Configuration error.
MLP.062 |
Short Syntax: MLP.062 ERROR: link nt link not the 1st link in bundle MP nt MPnet - dropping lnk
Long Syntax: MLP.062 ERROR: link nt link not the 1st link in bundle MP nt MPnet - dropping lnk
Description: Not the first link for this MP net
Cause: Configuration error.
MLP.063 |
Short Syntax: MLP.063 ERROR: No MP bundle Net to use - dropping nt link
Long Syntax: MLP.063 ERROR: No MP bundle Net to use - dropping nt link
Description: No MP net to use for this MP session
Cause: Configuration error.
MLP.064 |
Short Syntax: MLP.064 ERROR: Out of MP Buffers on MP nt MPnet
Long Syntax: MLP.064 ERROR: Out of MP Buffers on MP nt MPnet
Description: No More MP buffers on this MP net
Cause: Need more memory
MLP.065 |
Short Syntax: MLP.065 ERROR: mp_netostart is performed on a non-MP net MPnet
Long Syntax: MLP.065 ERROR: mp_netostart is performed on a non-MP net MPnet
Description: mp_netostart (BRS) is performed on a non-MP net
Cause: Configuration error.
MLP.066 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.066 >>>>->> mp_init_prvq nt MPnet w/ numbuffs bufs, numbytes bytes!
Long Syntax: MLP.066 >>>>->> mp_init_prvq nt MPnet w/ numbuffs bufs, numbytes bytes!
Description: MP intialization
MLP.067 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.067 mp_slftst : net = MPnet
Long Syntax: MLP.067 mp_slftst : net = MPnet
Description: MP self test
MLP.068 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.068 >>>>->> performing n_up for DOD nt MPnet
Long Syntax: MLP.068 >>>>->> performing n_up for DOD nt MPnet
Description: Normal MP self test for Dial-On-Demand MP net.
MLP.069 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.069 >>>>->> performing n_down for FIXED INBOUND nt MPnet
Long Syntax: MLP.069 >>>>->> performing n_down for FIXED INBOUND nt MPnet
Description: Normal MP self test for fixed inbound MP circuit.
MLP.070 |
Short Syntax: MLP.070 MP self test nt MPnet - bad state
Long Syntax: MLP.070 MP self test nt MPnet - bad state
Description: Bad MP self test
MLP.071 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.071 >>>>->> performing n_down since NETDOWN nt MPnet
Long Syntax: MLP.071 >>>>->> performing n_down since NETDOWN nt MPnet
Description: MP self test - Base net is still in NETDOWN state.
MLP.072 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.072 >>>>->> performing n_up for DOD nt MPnet
Long Syntax: MLP.072 >>>>->> performing n_up for DOD nt MPnet
Description: Normal MP self test for Dial-On-Demand MP net.
MLP.073 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.073 >>>>->> performing n_down for FIXED INBOUND nt MPnet
Long Syntax: MLP.073 >>>>->> performing n_down for FIXED INBOUND nt MPnet
Description: Normal MP self test for fixed inbound MP circuit.
MLP.074 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.074 >>>>->> performing n_down since callout failure nt MPnet
Long Syntax: MLP.074 >>>>->> performing n_down since callout failure nt MPnet
Description: MP self test - dial-circuit callour failed will try again
MLP.075 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.075 >>>>->> performing n_down bad link state and not calling nt MPnet
Long Syntax: MLP.075 >>>>->> performing n_down bad link state and not calling nt MPnet
Description: dial-circuit net seems to be in wierd state
MLP.076 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.076 Idle timer expired MP nt MPnet - MP circuit down
Long Syntax: MLP.076 Idle timer expired MP nt MPnet - MP circuit down
Description: MP maintenance - idle timer expired for Dial-On-Demand MP circuit.
MLP.077 |
Short Syntax: MLP.077 BAP: NO Available Phone Number
Long Syntax: MLP.077 BAP: NO Available Phone Number
Description: BAP Can't pass a phone number - there are none to get. Either a resource condition or one (or more dial-circuits) have not yet reset themselves from a previous action.
MLP.078 |
Short Syntax: MLP.078 BAP: unknown PHONE DELTA sub option
Long Syntax: MLP.078 BAP: unknown PHONE DELTA sub option
Description: unknown PHONE DELTA sub option
MLP.079 |
Short Syntax: MLP.079 BAP: unknown BAP option option
Long Syntax: MLP.079 BAP: unknown BAP option option
Description: unknown BAP option
MLP.080 |
Description: Failed BAP negotiations - LINK TYPE OR PHONE DELTA NOT SUPPLIED
MLP.081 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.081 BAP: Place call..tmp_addr= temp, dst_addr= dst
Long Syntax: MLP.081 BAP: Place call..tmp_addr= temp, dst_addr= dst
Description: call placed - tmp_addrs will be used to place the call.
MLP.082 |
Level: C-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.082 BACP OPEN nt MPnet: fav= favpeer (0=N,1=Y) loc= local,rem= remote
Long Syntax: MLP.082 BACP OPEN nt MPnet: fav= favpeer (0=N,1=Y) loc= local,rem= remote
Description: BACP opened for MP net - displayed are the favored peer values.
MLP.083 |
Short Syntax: MLP.083 ERROR: Unknown BAP pkt type type
Long Syntax: MLP.083 ERROR: Unknown BAP pkt type type
Description: Received unknown BAP packet type
MLP.084 |
Short Syntax: MLP.084 BAP: Unable to drop MP lnk from MP nt MPnet
Long Syntax: MLP.084 BAP: Unable to drop MP lnk from MP nt MPnet
Description: Link drop timeout period elapsed before link could be brought down
MLP.085 |
Short Syntax: MLP.085 ERROR: No MP on static MP Link nt linkNet
Long Syntax: MLP.085 ERROR: No MP on static MP Link nt linkNet
Description: MRRU was not negotiated successfully on a MP ONLY link
MLP.086 |
Short Syntax: MLP.086 ERROR: bad Endpt Disc on static MP Lnk nt linkNet
Long Syntax: MLP.086 ERROR: bad Endpt Disc on static MP Lnk nt linkNet
Description: Endpoint Discriminator on an MP ONLY link was different than the bundle
MLP.087 |
Short Syntax: MLP.087 ERROR: nt linkNet parameter mismatch with MP bundle
Long Syntax: MLP.087 ERROR: nt linkNet parameter mismatch with MP bundle
Description: link d not negotiate same parameters as the MP bundle
MLP.088 |
Short Syntax: MLP.088 ERROR: nt linkNet did not neg lnk disc on MP nt MPnet -BAP
Long Syntax: MLP.088 ERROR: nt linkNet did not neg lnk disc on MP nt MPnet -BAP
Description: link net did not negotiate link discriminator for bundle running BAP
MLP.089 |
Short Syntax: MLP.089 ERROR: nt MPnet rcv BAP packet in bapCLOSED state
Long Syntax: MLP.089 ERROR: nt MPnet rcv BAP packet in bapCLOSED state
Description: BAP packet was received on a circuit not running BAP
MLP.090 |
Short Syntax: MLP.090 ERROR: nt MPnet rcvd a BACP pkt in CLOSED state
Long Syntax: MLP.090 ERROR: nt MPnet rcvd a BACP pkt in CLOSED state
Description: BACP packet received in closed state
MLP.091 |
Short Syntax: MLP.091 ERROR: BRS enabled on an MP slave net linkNet
Long Syntax: MLP.091 ERROR: BRS enabled on an MP slave net linkNet
Description: BRS enabled on an MP link net - packet will be dropped
MLP.092 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.092 BAP: no subaddress found
Long Syntax: MLP.092 BAP: no subaddress found
Description: BAP: no subaddress found - not going to pass one. This is probably because multiport is not supported or is not currently being used.
MLP.093 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.093 BAP - Our Available subaddress is subAddr
Long Syntax: MLP.093 BAP - Our Available subaddress is subAddr
Description: Found a subaddress and will pass it in our BAP call-response or BAP callback-request.
MLP.094 |
Short Syntax: MLP.094 WARNING: nt link already added to MP nt MPnet - continuing
Long Syntax: MLP.094 WARNING: nt link already added to MP nt MPnet - continuing
Description: pppblk already was added to MP net - we will proceed
Cause: Probably dropped packet.
MLP.095 |
Short Syntax: MLP.095 Leased MP net with WRS/DOD nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.095 Leased MP net with WRS/DOD nt network ID
Description: The MP net contains leased link(s) and has WRS.
Cause: Configuration error.
Action: disable WRS.
MLP.096 |
Short Syntax: MLP.096 Disabling BAP on Leased MP nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.096 Disabling BAP on Leased MP nt network ID
Description: The MP net is "leased" (contains at least one leased circuit) and is enabled for BAP. This is an illegal configuration. BAP will be disabled and BOD will not use BAP.
Cause: Configuration error.
Action: disable BAP on leased MP circuit.
MLP.097 |
Short Syntax: MLP.097 Disabling BAP on MP nt network ID w/ bad ctrl net
Long Syntax: MLP.097 Disabling BAP on MP nt network ID w/ bad ctrl net
Description: BAP only works when the Ctrl net is a valid ISDN dial-circuit which is not I.430, I.431.
Cause: Configuration error.
Action: disable BAP on MP circuit.
MLP.098 |
Short Syntax: MLP.098 Disabling BOD ON INBOUND MP nt network ID
Long Syntax: MLP.098 Disabling BOD ON INBOUND MP nt network ID
Description: BOD cannot work on an INBOUND MP circuit (unless BAP is used).
Cause: Disable BOD.
Action: disable BOD on MP circuit.
MLP.099 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.099 BOD: Dropping nt linknet from MP nt mpnet
Long Syntax: MLP.099 BOD: Dropping nt linknet from MP nt mpnet
Description: BOD dropped a link
MLP.100 |
Level: C-INFO
Short Syntax: MLP.100 BOD: Attempting to Add nt linknet to MP nt mpnet
Long Syntax: MLP.100 BOD: Attempting to Add nt linknet to MP nt mpnet
Description: BOD adding a link
MLP.101 |
Short Syntax: MLP.101 WARNING: slftst Nt MPnet - bundle sequences are off
Long Syntax: MLP.101 WARNING: slftst Nt MPnet - bundle sequences are off
Description: Bundle sequence numbers are off. This is caused by 30 consecutive drops due to receiving a packet which is less than expected. This is a recovery mechanism.
Cause: This can be caused by one link in a bundle restarting faster than the other link(s) can come down. This results in one bundle never reestablishing itself and using sequence numbers from the old connection.
MLP.102 |
Short Syntax: MLP.102 ERROR: n_speed is 0 or very small,MP net MPnet - dropping net link
Long Syntax: MLP.102 ERROR: n_speed is 0 or very small,MP net MPnet - dropping net link
Description: n_speed was not configured on one of the links attempting to join the MP bundle.
MLP.103 |
Short Syntax: MLP.103 net net DISC num= seqno,nrcv= nrcv,M= M due timeout
Long Syntax: MLP.103 net net DISC num= seqno,nrcv= nrcv,M= M due timeout
Description: Discarding MP packet because the MP timeout period expired while waiting for a packet/fragment
MLP.104 |
Short Syntax: MLP.104 net net DISC (packet dropped in transit) M= M,num= seq,nr= nr
Long Syntax: MLP.104 net net DISC (packet dropped in transit) M= M,num= seq,nr= nr
Description: Discarding MP packet because a packet was dropped. This was determined by calculating M, the minimum of all links' last received sequence number. M has surpassed these dropped packets, indicating that they will never be received.
MLP.105 |
Short Syntax: MLP.105 packets dropped in transit net net, new M= M,nrecv= nrecv
Long Syntax: MLP.105 packets dropped in transit net net, new M= M,nrecv= nrecv
Description: At least one packet was dropped in transit or discarded because M surpassed fragments/packets that will never be received (MLP_104 logged). This ELS message displays the new nrecv (next receive sequence number).
MLP.106 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.106 MP Nt oldnet XMT shrt?= short ( bytes byt) num= seqnum on nt net
Long Syntax: MLP.106 MP Nt oldnet XMT shrt?= short ( bytes byt) num= seqnum on nt net
Description: MP XMIT an interleaved packet. Display the MP device, whether we are sending short sequence numbers (1=yes), the number of bytes, and the transport net.
MLP.107 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.107 MP Nt oldnet XMT shrt?= short ( bytes byt) num= seqnum on nt net
Long Syntax: MLP.107 MP Nt oldnet XMT shrt?= short ( bytes byt) num= seqnum on nt net
Description: MP XMIT an interleaved fragment. Display the MP device, whether we are sending short sequence numbers (1=yes), the number of bytes, and the transport net.
MLP.108 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.108 MP Nt oldnet XMT shrt?= short ( bytes byt) num= seqnum on nt net
Long Syntax: MLP.108 MP Nt oldnet XMT shrt?= short ( bytes byt) num= seqnum on nt net
Description: MP XMIT a packet over a single link without an MP header and interleaving enabled. Display the MP device, whether we are sending short sequence numbers (1=yes), the number of bytes, and the transport net.
MLP.109 |
Level: P-TRACE
Short Syntax: MLP.109 MP Nt oldnet XMT shrt?= short ( bytes byt) num= seqnum on nt net
Long Syntax: MLP.109 MP Nt oldnet XMT shrt?= short ( bytes byt) num= seqnum on nt net
Description: MP XMIT an unfragmented packet. Display the MP device, whether we are sending short sequence numbers (1=yes), the number of bytes, and the transport net.